Hale County Noxious Weed Control District
"It's Your Tax Dollars...Use 'Em"
Supported by your tax dollars
and a service available to all Hale County Landowners and Operators.
For FREE bindweed spraying in the bar ditches around your farm just complete the printable application form from this website and mail it to:
Hale County Noxious Weed Control
PO Box 246
Plainview, TX 79072
OR... Go by the office in Plainview, 2nd floor at the top of the north stairs - 6th & Ash. (North corner of the courthouse square) where application forms are available. Please notify me if you leave your application in the office.
We will be using GPS to locate your farms so PLEASE IDENTIFY at least one intersection of your farm's 9-1-1 address, the plat number if possible, and what county precinct you are in. This information is readily available on the Maps Page of this website.
We would prefer to have a legal description also as in the past for our records. Please feel free to contact me at (806) 292-4750 (Please leave a message) or at: halecountynoxiousweeds@gmail.com if you have questions or comments.
Lewis Senter - Supervisor
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